Saturday, October 31, 2009

My bag.

I sleeps in the bag so mom won't take it away.

Playing in the kitchen.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I sit on and in whatever I want...

Like my daddy's drawings.

My mom's underwears.

And even the sink.

It's fall!

The view out my favourite window is changing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Kitty evolution.

Sitting upright is the first step towards walking upright.

Doggy treats taste yummy.

I found doggy treats in the kitchen. I've been eating them for a while, but my mom just found out when she caught me sneaking some the other day.

Playing with the doggy treats is just as awesome as eating them.

Next time I'll finish eating the evidence before my mom comes home.

Lap time!

My mom's lap is comfy.

Play time!

My uncle plays with me with the bird-toy everyday. Here I am playing with the bird-toy while in the bookcase.