Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yeah, I know I'm stunning.

So what?

Sometimes I like to laze around under the sofa.

And then casual attack my dad's feet.

So what?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Giant squirrel.

My mom has been away. She sent me some pictures of a giant squirrel that lives in her parents' backyard and feeds off their apple tree.

Mom bought me a present.

I inspected it thoroughly.

Then mom made it into a really comfortable bed.

Now mom is gone and so is the bed. :(


"Oh boy! Oh boy!"

"Must get my fix!"


"And I'm spent!"

Belly rub!?!

I'm not usually one for belly rubs, or sitting on humans' laps. But for my uncle I will make an exception.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Quality time with my uncle

The other day I spent the afternoon in the family room with my uncle.

Here's my internal monologue:


"Urge to kill rising..."

