Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yeah, I know I'm stunning.

So what?

Sometimes I like to laze around under the sofa.

And then casual attack my dad's feet.

So what?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Giant squirrel.

My mom has been away. She sent me some pictures of a giant squirrel that lives in her parents' backyard and feeds off their apple tree.

Mom bought me a present.

I inspected it thoroughly.

Then mom made it into a really comfortable bed.

Now mom is gone and so is the bed. :(


"Oh boy! Oh boy!"

"Must get my fix!"


"And I'm spent!"

Belly rub!?!

I'm not usually one for belly rubs, or sitting on humans' laps. But for my uncle I will make an exception.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Quality time with my uncle

The other day I spent the afternoon in the family room with my uncle.

Here's my internal monologue:


"Urge to kill rising..."



Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sneak Attack.

My mom has been on the couch an awful lot lately. I think that she's having trouble coughing up a fur-ball or something. Since my mom hasn't been in the mood to play I've had to make up new games to entertain myself. My favourite one is Sneak Attack.

This game involves me hiding behind the couch on the bean bag...

...and then stealthily attacking from behind!

Usually I try to bop my mom on the shoulder, but the other day she was waiting for me to attack. Instead of getting her I was able to grab the string on her camera.

My mom gets angry when I do Sneak Attack. She'll often say, "We're not playing this game today, Ginga!" But then I go back to being my adorable self and mom stops minding my shenanigans so much.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My first bath.

I never had a bath until yesterday. My mom really wanted to give me one when I first started living in her apartment, because I used to run around outside with a colony of feral cats. But she hestitated because she said that we didn't have a relationship yet and that she didn't want to traumatize me... Yeah right!

Now that I follow my mom everywhere she thinks that I worship her and that I won't mind some water and soap; that it won't be scary for me at all. Oh contraire! May I present to you the evidence in the case of Ginga VS Stupid Humans.

Exhibit A: The camera and posing show that the washing was premeditated.

Exhibit B: My mom is an idiot.

Exhibit C: My first attempt at escaping from the washroom.

Exhibit D: My dad was not only a passive accomplice with a camera, but also took an active role in the crime. I don't care that I stepped on his artworks and got paint all over my hind feet; it could have been licked off. Therefore, the wash cloth he used was totally unnecessary.

Exhibit E: Like I true victim I was left to lick my own wounds.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


My mom babysat this weekend. I got to go along with her.

I met an older guy named Buzzy.

I also met a very sweet lady, Katie, who rescued Buzzy some years ago.

Katie rescued two other cats, but I didn't get to see them. Instead, my mom took pictures of them to show me.

Here's Hugga-bug (she likes to read the National Enquirer):

And this is Olive (she's a wee bit shy):

Anyway, I did a lot of exploring.

The outting go me so riled up that I needed to take a long nap when I got home.

Sunday, November 8, 2009



My mom and I passed out while working on her essay.