Thursday, November 26, 2009

My first bath.

I never had a bath until yesterday. My mom really wanted to give me one when I first started living in her apartment, because I used to run around outside with a colony of feral cats. But she hestitated because she said that we didn't have a relationship yet and that she didn't want to traumatize me... Yeah right!

Now that I follow my mom everywhere she thinks that I worship her and that I won't mind some water and soap; that it won't be scary for me at all. Oh contraire! May I present to you the evidence in the case of Ginga VS Stupid Humans.

Exhibit A: The camera and posing show that the washing was premeditated.

Exhibit B: My mom is an idiot.

Exhibit C: My first attempt at escaping from the washroom.

Exhibit D: My dad was not only a passive accomplice with a camera, but also took an active role in the crime. I don't care that I stepped on his artworks and got paint all over my hind feet; it could have been licked off. Therefore, the wash cloth he used was totally unnecessary.

Exhibit E: Like I true victim I was left to lick my own wounds.

1 comment:

  1. First pic in the series....looks so oblivious to what is coming. "why are holding me up like an offering for a picture?"
