Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sneak Attack.

My mom has been on the couch an awful lot lately. I think that she's having trouble coughing up a fur-ball or something. Since my mom hasn't been in the mood to play I've had to make up new games to entertain myself. My favourite one is Sneak Attack.

This game involves me hiding behind the couch on the bean bag...

...and then stealthily attacking from behind!

Usually I try to bop my mom on the shoulder, but the other day she was waiting for me to attack. Instead of getting her I was able to grab the string on her camera.

My mom gets angry when I do Sneak Attack. She'll often say, "We're not playing this game today, Ginga!" But then I go back to being my adorable self and mom stops minding my shenanigans so much.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some nice action photos! I call the last one in the series "the indifference of defeat"
