Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sorry Daddy!

My uncle likes to fool around with me. Sometimes he scares me and it's fun. Sometimes he scares me and it's scary.

This is what happened when I got scared and used my daddy's chest as a landing pad.

Bonus Video Clip!

Here I am shredding cardboard and cleaning myself.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Look Thomas, I Did It!

My hero, Thomas the cat, told me that shredding cardboard is fun.

He sure was right!

And here is my masterpiece:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Souped-Up Scratch Pad All For Me

My mom bought me this souped-up scratch pad. It's half way up the wall in the family room, and has a scratching post on it. The scratching post even has a bird attached to it. Boy do I love hanging out up here.

My mom wrapped my mouse-on-a-string to the scratch post. Me and the mouse play a lot.

All that playing makes me tired. But don't worry, I have my priorities straight; I have no trouble finding time to relax.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Green Claw

The plants are mine! I claimed them. I even tried to re-pot them.

My parents didn't appreciate my gardening efforts though. Here's my dad ruining any of my future attempts at caring for the ficus.

If I had tear ducts I would cry.

Forever Home and a New Name!

Yippee! I have a forever home for ever and ever. My foster mom and dad have decided to adopt me because they love me so much. Clearly the fact that I am extremely lovable helps in this matter.

I also have a new name: Ginga (pronounced Jinga). I'm named after a Capoeira (Brazilian martial arts) move, where the capoeirista sways back and forth. Ginga is the most basic move in Capoeira, but always provides strength and stability.

I'm done swaying back and forth between homes. Now I'm staying put!

Here's a picture of me being happy and kneading my red blanket.

Friday, August 14, 2009

My New Favourite Toy!

Although I love to just hang out and be quiet, I really love to play with my new favourite toy: bird-on-a-stick.

Chillin' Out Max and Relaxin' All Cool

Here I am chillin' under the couch. Someone should really sweep under here more often.

And here I am relaxin' on my foster mom's clean laundry.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My foster mom said that I need a mani-pedi. But I'm not really sure what that means.

I'm Feel Pretty!

I feel pretty,
Oh so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and gray!

Monday, August 10, 2009

My new foster mom keeps following me around with this thing that looks like a very large eye. Sometimes the eye thing pretends that it's lightening. Anyway, I don't really mind the attention, especially when there aren't any flashes and the eye just watches me.

Fresh Steps!

Once upon a time, when I was about 7 months old, I was trapped in a trap and my trapper thought that I was feral. I was only acting feral because I was very young and very scared; I was really somebody's cat who got loose, or was let go onto the mean streets. I was fixed and had my ear clipped, but when my kind trapper lady tried to let me go (trap-neuter-release) I jumped back into her arms. That's when the kind trapper lady realized that I was really a domestic kitty and that I needed a foster home.

After staying at a gentle lady's house in Far Rockaway for a few months I moved in with my new foster parents.

I was very shy when I set foot in my new home; I spent a couple of hours behind the radiator.

But now I'm acting very cuddly and lovey. I'm eating well and am using my litter box perfectly. I'm also loving the pets that I get, as well as the occasional belly rub. What a good little Russian Blue kitty I am. Oh, and my name is Ophelia.