Monday, August 10, 2009

Fresh Steps!

Once upon a time, when I was about 7 months old, I was trapped in a trap and my trapper thought that I was feral. I was only acting feral because I was very young and very scared; I was really somebody's cat who got loose, or was let go onto the mean streets. I was fixed and had my ear clipped, but when my kind trapper lady tried to let me go (trap-neuter-release) I jumped back into her arms. That's when the kind trapper lady realized that I was really a domestic kitty and that I needed a foster home.

After staying at a gentle lady's house in Far Rockaway for a few months I moved in with my new foster parents.

I was very shy when I set foot in my new home; I spent a couple of hours behind the radiator.

But now I'm acting very cuddly and lovey. I'm eating well and am using my litter box perfectly. I'm also loving the pets that I get, as well as the occasional belly rub. What a good little Russian Blue kitty I am. Oh, and my name is Ophelia.


  1. Ophelia, you are so beautiful! I know you will find a home soon. Looks like you've had a quite a journey and I know you will end up with the right humans soon.

  2. Dear Ophelia,
    Hello...beautiful Russian Blue kitten, you are truly lucky to have a foster Mommy who adores you, so much...that she has created a Blog just for you!!!
    I pray that your life will be filled with lots of love. Amen.
    Yours Forever...Foster Mom, from Far Rockaway.
