Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Forever Home and a New Name!

Yippee! I have a forever home for ever and ever. My foster mom and dad have decided to adopt me because they love me so much. Clearly the fact that I am extremely lovable helps in this matter.

I also have a new name: Ginga (pronounced Jinga). I'm named after a Capoeira (Brazilian martial arts) move, where the capoeirista sways back and forth. Ginga is the most basic move in Capoeira, but always provides strength and stability.

I'm done swaying back and forth between homes. Now I'm staying put!

Here's a picture of me being happy and kneading my red blanket.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You know I lived there before you ever were around. And I'll be back very soon to visit. So be ready to share your space!
